For this assignment we were tasked with writing a research proposal. We were tasked with writing a proposal worth of submitting for a UCF OUR Student Research Grant. While we were given the structure and inclusion requirements, the research topic and how we planned to complete the research were all up to us. We were allowed to use a budget up to $1,500 for the research project and had to keep to the Summer Term (May – August) dates to conduct our research.
Digital Literature and Reader Engagement in the 21st Century: E-books and Audiobooks and their Impact on Reader Engagement.
Katherine Earley, Writing & Rhetoric; Professor Matthew Bryan, Department of Writing & Rhetoric
Project Objectives: This project seeks to explore the ever-evolving world of digital literature (e-books, audiobooks, and web novels) and its impact on readers and how their literacy rate(s), engagement, and genre preferences are affected. It aims to understand how digital literature changes the way that readers interact, access, and their literacy rate in students from age 15 – 25, and how it can influence reading trends and reader demographics.
- How do engagement levels and literacy rates compare between readers of traditional printed literature and those who consume digital literature?
- In what ways does the medium (print vs. digital) influence readers’ comprehension and overall literacy?
- Do interactive elements such as hyperlinks, multimedia, and immersive graphic audiobooks create a greater immersive experience and enhance the understanding of the narrative?
- Can digital formats be accessed easily, are they accessible for those in low-income neighborhoods?
Background: In the 21st Century, the use of digital media has changed the way literature is created, consumed, and interacted with. Digital literature comes in many forms – e-books, audiobooks, web novels, and textbooks – and has created a significant shift from traditional printed media. This shift has allowed for new forms of engagement and reader participation and the possibility of increased literacy rates as information is now readily available in its digital format.
This research project aims to explore the impacts of digital literature and its effect on reader engagement and literacy rates. The research would explore the different formats of literature and the level of engagement in a targeted age group. With in-depth knowledge of the engagement level for the targeted age group, it could help determine if digital media could help raise engagement levels and determine if the increased engagement levels also increased the literacy rate. Another aspect of the research would be to determine if the literacy rate with digital media is affected by the diversity and location of its users, and which genres of literature are selected for consumption.
With that in mind, this research project can help parents, educators, and publishers to determine the best methods of presenting information to students. This will provide data on which forms of digital media had the best reader response and can possibly help create better reader engagement and increase literacy rates for students in the future.
Research Methods:
- Recruit participants in the targeted age group(s) based on a survey designed to determine the following:
- Income level
- Method(s) used to consume literature or even school materials (physical, digital, mix)
- Based on survey results, break participants into groups based on income levels and method. Each income level will have subgroups based on physical, digital, mixed.
- Will give standard literacy test to each group.
- Income levels
- Low Income
- Median Income
- Will also further sub-categorize the groups based on physical or digital content.
- Only ready physical books and literature
- People who read a mix of digital and physical books
- People who only use digital books
- Income levels
- Based on budget, will set up sites in different locations based on the income level to prevent the cost of travel being an obstacle.
- The target group size will be small due to the limited budget and will be capped at 20 participants per group for a total of 120 participants.
- The timeline for completing the project would be within the summer semester and would include the following:
- 3 weeks for recruitment and surveys
- 1 week per location to administer the literacy test.
- 2 weeks for compiling the data and putting it together for the white papers focus on targeted audience of:
- Education boards
- School boards
- Teachers
- Community outreach groups
Project Timeline:
This project will span the Summer 2024 Session C from May 13th, 2024 – August 2nd, 2024 – 11 weeks.
Expected Outcome:
After completing the research, the expected final product(s) will be to write/prepare White Papers to share with different levels of educational institutions, School Boards, and Teaching Professionals.
These white papers will be targeted towards Education/Curriculum Boards, School Boards, Teachers, and Community Outreach Programs. Each White Paper will include data sheets, graphs/infographics to provide a visual representation of what delivery method (physical or digital literature) can produce the best literacy rate.
My goal is to help Outreach Programs understand the need in their community and find the best method (physical or digital literature) to help their students achieve higher literacy outcomes and have better opportunities for post-secondary education.
As a student, the knowledge that this research project will allow me to gain will be invaluable as I move forward in my future endeavors, as a writer, editor/publisher, or teacher. Knowing the best delivery method for something I have written, or plan to teach, will aid any publications I plan to produce, or choose as class material. As a student at UCF, this knowledge could be beneficial to the governing board, professors, and students as it has the potential to open new avenues for all course materials and their delivery.
Literature Review:
Samsuddin, Samsul Farid et al. “Into the Unknown: Do People in Low Literacy Rate Areas Practise Digital Reading?” Malaysian journal of library & information science 26.2 (2021): 23–36. Web.
EROL, Hüseyin. “A Review of Social Studies Course Books Regarding Digital Literacy and Media Literacy.” International journal of higher education 10.5 (2021): 101-. Web.
Turco, Rosa G., Nonie K. Lesaux, and Stephanie M. Jones. “Home Literacy in the Digital Era: The Role of Mobile Screen Media Frequency in a U.S. State.” British journal of educational technology 54.2 (2023): 513–533. Web.
Mills, Kathy A, Len Unsworth, and Laura Scholes. Literacy for Digital Futures: Mind, Body, Text. 1st ed. Vol. 1. United Kingdom: Routledge, 2023. Web.
Feltrero, Roberto, Saeta Hernando, and Adina Ionescu. “E-Learning Strategies for Media Literacy: Engagement of Interactive Digital Serious Games for Understanding Visual Online Disinformation.” The American journal of distance education ahead-of-print.ahead-of-print (2023): 1–18. Web.
Marsuki, Muhammad Fajar, Hadi Suwono, and Aulia Varadila Slamet. “Development of Digital Learning Media Based on Android Games with Joyful Inquiry Model to Increase Science Literacy Skills for Second Year Students of Junior High School in Subject Matter of Vibration.” AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2215. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2020. Web.
Garcia, Antero. “‘Like Reading’ and Literacy Challenges in a Digital Age.” English journal 101.6 (2012): 93-. Print.
Preliminary Work and Experience:
As part of my preparations to take on this research project, I have viewed literary rates for my local area and compared those to our State, the country, and those of the United Kingdom to see what the average literacy rates are currently. I have also done some preliminary research in digital media formats, types of literature that is distributed digitally and the accessibility/cost of these formats.
When it comes to prior experience with this topic, I have been exposed to the difficulties with literary rates in elementary-aged children when I was a substitute teacher in a charter school. The school I worked in had a diverse population of students from a variety of income levels. I provided help to some students with learning how to read, comprehension skills, and understanding the course work.
IRB Approval
IRB is required and there will be surveys and exams given to participants.
To undertake the research study described above I request a total of $1,500. Most of the funds will be used to recruit and test the participants. I plan to utilize local libraries in my area to conduct the testing portion of the project, as they are typically offered free for public use. I included a line item for location fees, should the need arise. Since I am a Writing and Rhetoric Major, I plan to do all transcription of data and produce the White Papers but chose to include a line item for any costs that may arise during this portion of the project.